holy basil essential oil label

Holy Basil Essential Oil – Ocimum tenuiflorum


BOTANICAL NAME: Ocimum tenuiflorum

SCENT: Holy Basil essential oil has a refreshing, invigorating, meditative aroma and is a sacred oil from India where it is planted around sacred places to protect them against negative influences.

STRENGTH OF AROMA:  Medium to Strong


EXTRACTION METHOD: Steam Distillation


COLOUR: Holy Basil essential oil is light green in hue.


NOTE: Middle

Holy Basil Essential Oil (Ocimum tenuiflorum) is refreshing, invigorating, and meditative –  It is a sacred oil from India where the herb is planted around sacred places to protect them against negative influences. This is especially so in Varanasi formerly Benares.

It is sometimes caled Ocimum sanctum, Tulsi, Tulasi or Thulasi

Reported Attributes of Holy Basil Essential Oil:-

Traditional and Emotional uses reportedly include:-

The oil has a very high eugenol content and should not be confused with Ocimum basilicum, the culinary basil – use it with caution and even then in very low concentrations for aromatherapy massage. The oil is wonderful for inhaling and in a room diffuser. It is a component in many Ayurvedic treatments, and has its main action as a support for the respiratory, immune and digestive systems.

Holy Basil Essential Oil Blends Well With:-

Citrus and floral oils


Holy Basil is an integral part in the Hindu worship of Vishnu, Krishna and Ram as well as other deities such as Hanuman, Balarama and Garuda. Holy Basil rosaries are considered to be auspicious for the wearer, and believed to put them under the protection of Hanuman. They have such a strong association with Vaishnavas, that followers of Hanuman are known as “those who bear the Holy Basil round the neck”

Holy Basil  herb can be found here

Weight 0 kg