YOU DO NEED TO MAKE AN ACCOUNT WITH LUMINESCENTS.NET OR LUMINESCENTS.CO.UK TO PURCHASE FROM THIS SITE. YOU MAY PURCHASE AS A GUEST (although you can make an account if you wish to and then you may take advantage of account holder benefits)
When paying by credit or debit card through the WorldPay Gateway, the authorisation on your payment is just that, an authorisation from the bank that your chosen method of payment has been authorised. It does NOT signify that the payment has cleared or been paid to the merchant. In banking terms it is known as payment captured. Payment settled occurs as much as 3 to 7 days later dependant upon what type of card you use.
Luminescents will not process or despatch any items until payment has been cleared if you use this method of payment.
This restriction on authorisation and payment does not apply to the use of a credit or debit card through the PayPal Gateway or payment from an existing PayPal balance although PayPal itself may well delay a payment if they have issues with the purchasing individual’s payment method.
There are three methods of payment used on this website
You do not need to have a PayPal account to use this method. When on PayPal’s payment page, the default is by PayPal account but if you do not have a PayPal account or just simply want to pay with a credit or debit card, then the option to do so is just underneath the default – click and you will be presented with a different PayPal form. When paying by this method please ensure you do not close your browser down until the sale is confirmed on screen to you.
WorldPay’s secure payment system is the second option. YOU MUST USE THE ADDRESS TO WHICH YOUR CHOSEN PAYMENT CARD IS REGISTERED (that means the address to which your credit card bills are sent) FOR YOUR PAYMENT TO BE AUTHORISED. Failure to do so will result in your payment being declined. You are able to select a different destination address for your parcel to be delivered to if you so wish. When paying by this method please ensure you do not close your browser down until the sale is confirmed on screen to you.
The default payment presented is by PayPal account. Choose this option and the right hand side of the payment screen will ask you to login securely to your PayPal account and proceed from there whilst you are on PayPal’s secure payment website.When paying by this method please ensure you do not close your browser down until the sale is confirmed on screen to you.
In each instance you are no longer on our website whilst making a payment but on the website of the payment authorisation organisation (Paypal or WorldPay) who will return you to our website when and if your payment is authorised. N0-one at Luminescents can see your payment details and they are not disclosed to us. If your payment is refused it is a matter for you to take up with the issuing authority of your payment method (Your bank or credit card issuer for instance) They will not disclose the reason to us and we play no part in the authorisation given or declined. If Luminescents declines your order you will receive an email from us to state as much but as per data restrictions, no reason will be provided.