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Goldenrod (Cut) – Solidago virgaurea


Goldenrod (Cut)

Solidago virgaurea

It is also known as Aaron’s Rod, Baguette d’Aaron, Canadian Goldenrod, Early Goldenrod, European Goldenrod, Gerbe d’Or, Herbe des Juifs, Solidage

100 grams

Goldenrod is mostly native to the North American continent, including Mexico. A few species are native to the South American continent and Eurasia.

It is also known as Aaron’s Rod, Baguette d’Aaron, Canadian Goldenrod, Early Goldenrod, European Goldenrod, Gerbe d’Or, Herbe des Juifs, Solidage, and some of the other species also used are  Solidago canadensis, Solidago gigantea, Solidago longifolia, Solidago serotina,

Solidago virgaurea, and this product, in folklore, was used to treat such diverse conditions as rheumatism, gout, diabetes, haemorrhoids, internal bleeding, enlarged prostate, asthma, enlarged liver, tuberculosis, mouth and throat infections, and festering wounds.

Sadly, its effectiveness for treating these conditions has never been proven.

Medicinal Uses of Goldenrod:-

It is an aquaretic agent (promotes the loss of water from the body) most frequently used to treat urinary tract inflammation and to prevent the development of kidney stones. It’s aquaretic effects and anti-inflammatory properties allow this herb to be used in connection with a variety conditions which include the following:-

Bladder inflammation
Colds and flu
Kidney stones
Laryngitis (as a gargle)
Sore throats

To make a ptisane or infusion – mix 2 – 3 teaspoons of dried herb in 1 drinkable measure of water, bring to the boil, and let sit for around 8 minutes; strain and drink. Take three times per day.

To make a gargle – Make the tea described above, and gargle with it three times per day.

Weight 0.1 kg
Country of Origin


Batch Code



August 2023

Best Before

December 2025