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Breathe Easy Pre Blended Essential Oils


Breathe Easy Blend


Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulous) has a clear, slightly camphorous, fruity aroma.

Camphor (Cinnamonum camphora) has a strong, penetrating, fragrant odour. The main chemical components are: Cineol, Camphor, Borneol, Camphene, Menthol, Borneol, Pinene, and Dipentene.

Juniper (Juniperus communis) has a fresh, rich-balsamic, woody-sweet and pine needle-like odor reminiscent of evergreen oils.


Breathe Easy Pre Blended Essential Oils is  a carefully combined range of two or more essential oils specifically balanced for their combined aromatherapy attributes for a particular condition or simply, and more frequently, for their exquisite complimentary fragrances.

Blending is a popular way to enjoy a variety of oils for their attributes and their combined fragrance but its very easy to get the blend wrong by adding a little too much of one or too little of another oil. Pre Blended Essential Oils are expertly blended so that they are always consistent

The oils in this Blend are reputed to help clear nasal blockages, clear congestion and widen the nasal passage. The blend helps in reducing catarrh and to aid in easing breathing, especially at night. Vapourising the blend is the best method or putting a few drops onto a handkerchief or tissue and inhaling are both recommended.

It is a warming blend of oils that can also be used in a pre sports warm up by mixing with a carrier oil and massaging muscles

Breathe Easy Pre Blended Essential Oils contains the following essential oils:-

Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulous) has a clear, slightly camphorous, fruity aroma.

Camphor (Cinnamonum camphora) has a strong, penetrating, fragrant odour. The main chemical components are: Cineol, Camphor, Borneol, Camphene, Menthol, Borneol, Pinene, and Dipentene.

Juniper (Juniperus communis) has a fresh, rich-balsamic, woody-sweet and pine needle-like odor reminiscent of evergreen oils.