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armoise blanche label

Armoise Blanche Essential Oil- Artemisia alba


BOTANICAL NAME: Artemisia alba

Also known as:- White Mugwort,  Herba Alba, Armoise Herbe Blanche, Shieh.

SCENT: Armoise Blanche essential oil is powerful, fresh-camphoraceous, somewhat green & bittersweet.


PLANT PART USED: Leaves and Flowers

EXTRACTION METHOD: Steam Distillation.

ORIGIN: Morocco

COLOUR: Armoise Blanche essential oil is pale greenish yellow in hue.


NOTE: Middle

Armoise Blanche (Artemisia alba) is native to the Mediterranean region, Northern Africa, Western Asia and Southwestern Europe, and also in the Arabian peninsula and The Saharan Maghreb.

The leaves, in particular, are very strongly aromatic and covered with fine glandular hairs that reflect sunlight giving a grayish white aspect to the shrub. The leaves of sterile shoots are grey, they are petoliate, ovate to orbicular in outline; whereas, the leaves of flowering stems, more abundant in winter, are much smaller.

Traditional Uses for Armoise Blanche Essential Oil:-

It is a very rare oil.

It is antispasmodic, antiseptic, carminative, choleretic, diaphoretic, diuretic, emmenagogue, nervine, orexigenic, stimulant, stomachic, tonic (uterine, womb), vermifuge. It is known to be used to expel worms, control fever and as a digestive remedy.

Armoise Blanche Essential Oil Blends Well With:-

Patchouli, Lavender, Oak Moss, Rosemary, Pine, Sage, Clary Sage and Cedarwood.

History of Armoise:-

Also known as White Mugwort. Alba simply means white and it is sometimes known as Herba Alba meaning White Herb. In France it is known as Armoise Herbe Blanche or just Armoise Blanche and in Arabic it is known as Shieh. In the Old testament it is this particular Artemisia which is referred to as Wormwood and confusion arises as a result as it can be confused with Artemisa absinthium in texts which is otherwise known as Grand Wormwood


CAUTIONS:Use well diluted. White Mugwort essential oil is toxic, arbortifacient and a neurotoxin.

Weight 0 kg