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hiba essential oil label

Hiba Essential Oil – Thujopsis dolobrata – 100% Pure


BOTANICAL NAME: Thujopsis dolobrata

SCENT: Hiba has a strong ‘woody odour,  slightly reminiscent of the Cedarwood oil. Similar to that of Thuja plicata.



EXTRACTION METHOD: Steam Distillation


COLOUR: Hiba Essential Oil is range from pale yellow in hue



SKU: LU1396. Categories: , .

Hiba Wood is a conifer in the cypress family (cupressaceae) the sole member of the genus Thujopsis. It is endemic to Japan. Hiba is the Japanese name for this species, which has never acquired a widely used or easily recognised English name, though it is occasionally known as False arborvitae or just called by its genus name Thujopsis. (pronounced Thu-Yopsis) It is also known as Hinoki but I am not sure why, there are lots of stories.

Appearance of Hiba:-

It is a very dense and slow-growing evergreen conifer with an overall conical shape that is mostly native to the moist forested areas in central Japan. Mature trees typically reach around 30 metres in height and somewhat taller in their native habitat and tend to grow in groves rather than singly. It is considered a valuable ornamental tree in Japan and is sometimes known locally as Asunaro It is not at all a drought tolerant tree but has received the Royal Horticultural Society’s Award of Merit as it is grown as an ornamental wherever conditions suit it in other countries around the world now.

It resembles Thuja, thus its name of Thujopsis ( Opsis meaning resembling)

The wood from the tree is considered valuable too as it is durable and very highly scented. The tree is often planted in cultivation around temple complexes as well as Japanese formal gardens.



Weight 0 kg