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laurel leaf essential oil label

Laurel Leaf Essential Oil-Laurus nobilis


BOTANICAL NAME: Laurus nobilis

SCENT: Laurel Leaf Essential Oil has a fresh, strong but sweet, aromatic camphoraceous, somewhat spicy medicinal odour.



EXTRACTION METHOD: Steam Distillation.


COLOUR: Laurel Leaf Essential Oil is yellow to pale yellowish green in hue


NOTE: Middle

The Laurel Tree, the leaves from which Laurel Leaf Essential Oil is distilled is a small unimpressive shrub or tree, originating in  eastern Mediterranean countries. The evergreen tree reaches maturity after five years and yields about 5 kg of leaves per season, which in turn gives about 50-70 g of essential oil. Not a great deal of oil per kilo of leaf.

Traditional Attributes of Laurel Leaf Essential Oil:-

Laurel Leaf Essential Oil is known for its strong effects on the nervous system. Its antispasmodic and analgesic properties make it mildly narcotic. Coupled with its sedative properties, it is used for neuritis, depression, anxiety, fear and psychosis. Its stimulating and warming properties are used to produce fire and warmth in one’s emotions, bringing awareness, courage and confidence. In massage it is used to relieve the symptoms of Arthritis and Rheumatism as well as earache.

Laurel Leaf Essential Oil Blends Well With:-

Bay Leaf; Citrus Oils; Clary Sage; Cypress; Hyssop; Juniper berry

History of Laurel:-

Laurel has been known for thousands of years, but the use of its leaves as a household culinary herb is a comparatively recent one. The tree figures prominently in ancient cultures

It is also known as Bay Laurel, Sweet Bay, Bay Tree, True Laurel, Laurel, or Grecian Laurel


CAUTIONS:Non-toxic, possible skin irritant (methyl eugenol); some sensitization; cross sensitization with costus. Avoid in pregnancy