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Nigella Essential Oil-Nigella sativa


BOTANICAL NAME: Nigella sativa

SCENT: Nigella essential oil 



EXTRACTION METHOD: Steam Distillation.


COLOUR: Nigella essential oil is brown in hue.


NOTE: Middle

Nigella (this particular oil is wild collected) is an annual plant growing wild all over southern Europe, Asia and North Africa and is cultivated almost everywhere now days. The plant is sometimes known as devil-in-a-bush or love-in-a-mist.

The seeds are variously known as  Black Seed, Black Cumin Seed, Black Caraway Seed, Black Onion Seed, Kalonji (mostly in India Pakistan and Afghanistan) and even just Nigella Seed.

Reported Attributes of Nigella Essential Oil:-

It is used as an insect repellent acting much like mothballs in particular, it is a carminative and stimulant. It helps with bowel disorders and indigestion, calming the stomach and intestines. Some say that it helps to restore a lost sense of smell but I doubt there is any evidence for this. It is reported to be a powerful anti oxidant

Nigella Essential Oil Blends Well with:-

It blends quite well with any citrus oil, heavier fixative oils like Vanilla or Sandalwood and Benzoin where it adds a spicy, slightly peppery note.

History of Nigella:-

The seeds have been discovered in ancient Egyptian tombs, particularly Tutankhamen’s tomb and although we don’t know what cultural reasons there might be for this, it shows that they were in use thousands of years ago.

Dioscorides recorded that the seeds were used to treat headache and toothache amongst many other ailments and they are also mentioned in the bible, in the book of Isaiah.

In the Arab world, Ibn Sina (980-1037) mentions them as a remedy for fatigue




Weight 0 kg