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Siberian Fir Needle Essential Oil-Abies sibirica


BOTANICAL NAME: Abies sibirica

SCENT: Siberian Fir Needle essential oil has a fresh, woody, earthy, sweet scent that is much like woodland after the rain.



EXTRACTION METHOD: Steam Distillation.

ORIGIN: Siberia

COLOUR: Siberian Fir Needle essential oil has a pale yellow hue


NOTE: Middle

Siberian Fir needle (Abies sibirica) essential oil comes from the Pinus tree which grows in wide areas of the former U.S.S.R, particularly Siberia in this case. The tree inhabits the cold climate on moist soils in mountains or river basins at elevations of 1900–2400 metres. It is very shade-tolerant, frost-resistant, and hardy, surviving temperatures down to −50 °C. It rarely lives over 200 years due to the susceptibility to a fungal decay in the heart wood.

Reported Attributes of Siberian Fir Needle Essential Oil:-

Traditional and Emotional uses reportedly include:-

This is a popular oil and is used to bring out masculine, attributes to men’s fragrances, bath preparations, air fresheners, herbal, moss, soaps, and shaving creams. Fir needle is reported to help with arthritis, bronchitis, colds, coughs, flu, muscle aches, rheumatism, sinusitis and, of course, aromatically is very evocative.

Siberian Fir Needle Essential Oil Blends Well With:-

Cedarleaf, All Citrus oils, Galangal, Galbanum, Geranium, Juniper Berry & Leaf, Labdanum, Laurel Leaf & Berry, Lavandin &  Lavender.


It is classed as a vulnerable species rather than threatened and as a result there are strenuous efforts being made to cultivate the species throughout various suitable parts of the globe with an appropriate climate.


It is mildly photo toxic so use in sunlight should be avoided.

Weight 0 kg