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spikenard nepalese green essential oil label

Spikenard Nepalese Green Essential Oil-Nardostachys jatamansii


BOTANICAL NAME: Nardostachys jatamansii

SCENT: Spikenard Nepalese Green essential oil has an earthy, harsh wood like smell that is slightly musty.


PLANT PART USED: Root ( Immature Rhizome)

EXTRACTION METHOD: Steam Distillation.


COLOUR: Spikenard Nepalese Green essential oil is yellow to greenish brown  in hue.


NOTE: Base

Spikenard Nepalese Green (Nardostachys jatamansii) is a soft, aromatic herb with a strongly pungent rhizome root. It is native to the mountainous regions of Northern India, The Himalayan plateau as well as Sikkim, Bhutan, China and Japan. It is sometimes known as Nard, Nardin, or Muskroot and belongs to the Valerian family of plants. It is referred to as Nepalese because that is where it originates and the “green” refers to its young age. It is taken from young rather than mature rhizomes.

Reported Attributes of Spikenard Nepalese Green Essential Oil:-

Traditional and Emotional uses reportedly include:-

More often than not nowadays it is used as a ritual oil although is also used in high end heavy floral and earthy oriental perfumes. It is an insect repellent and is used as a stimulant and antiseptic.

Spikenard Nepalese Green Essential Oil Blends Well With:-

The essential oil blends well with Lavender, Patchouli, Pine, Vetiver, and spice oils.

History of Spikenard:-

Spikenard was one of the early aromatics used by the ancient Egyptians and is mentioned in the Bible in Song of Solomon, and in the Book of John where Mary used it to anoint the feet of Jesus. Although this researcher is aware that Lavender was known as “Nard” in those times and it seems more likely to me that Lavender was used rather than this oil which is still known today as Nard in some quarters. It has also been used historically by wealthy Roman women in perfumes and beauty preparations.

It has been recorded in history as used for rashes, wrinkles, cuts, insomnia, and migraines

Weight 0 kg