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Cleavers Herb Tincture


50 ml

Botanical Name Galium aparine

It goes by many dfferent names some of which include Goosegrass, Barweed, Catchweed, Clivers, Eriffe, Goosebill, Goosegrass, Grateron, Grip Grass, Hashishat, Hayriffe, Hayruff, Hedge Clivers, Hedgeheriff, Kaz Yogurtotu, Loveman, Mutton Chops, Robin-run-in-the-Grass, Scratweed, Sticky-willy, Stickywilly, Zhu Yang Yang

Plant Part Used Flowering Herb

Herb To Liquid Ratio 1:5

Alcohol by Volume 25%

Country of Origin UK/UK


SKU: BBot 1002. Category: .

Gallium aparine, from which Cleavers Herb Tincture is extracted, has a long history of use as an alternative medicine and is still used widely today by modern herbalists.

It goes by many different names some of which include Goosegrass, Barweed, Catchweed, Clivers, Eriffe, Goosebill, Goosegrass, Grateron, Grip Grass, Hashishat, Hayriffe, Hayruff, Hedge Clivers, Hedgeheriff, Kaz Yogurtotu, Loveman, Mutton Chops, Robin-run-in-the-Grass, Scratweed, Sticky-willy, Stickywilly, Zhu Yang Yang

Uses for Cleavers Herb Tincture:-

It is used both internally and externally in the treatment of a wide range of ailments. The dried or fresh herb is alterative, anti-inflammatory, antiphlogistic, aperient, astringent, depurative, diaphoretic, diuretic, febrifuge, tonic and vulnerary.

A valuable diuretic, it is often taken to treat skin problems such as seborrhoea, eczema and psoriasis, and as a general detoxifying agent in serious illnesses such as cancer.

It is only mildly laxative but is a very good stimulant for the lymphatic system helping it to drain metabolic waste from the body efficiently and quickly and it has demonstrated many benefits in skin related problems and dermatological disorders. It is particularly noted for helping to reduce the swelling of lymph glands quickly during periods of infection.

Constituents of Cleavers Herb Tincture:-

An infusion of the herb has shown of benefit in the treatment of glandular fever by helping to reduce lymph gland swelling and the discomfort such a condition causes, but also relieving the discomfort of tonsilitis, hepatitis and cystitis. The infusion is also used to treat liver, bladder and urinary problems.

The plant contains organic acids, flavonoids, tannins, fatty acids, glycoside asperuloside, gallotannic acid and citric acid.

The plant contains the valuable constituent asperuloside, a substance that is converted into prostaglandins by the body. Prostaglandins are hormone-like compounds that stimulate the uterus and affect blood vessels. Much more scientific research is being done on the plant it is of great interest to the pharmaceutical industry.

Weight 0.2 kg

Bristol Botanicals

Country of Origin