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sandalwood australian leaf essential oil label

Sandalwood Australian Leaf Essential Oil-Santalum spicatum


BOTANICAL NAME: Santalum spicatum

SCENT: Sandalwood Australian Leaf essential oil is sweet, rich, woody, exotic and lingering. oriental, luxurious, and balsamic with deep & soft aroma. Be aware, however, All Sandalwoods fail to impress until they reach body temperature when the luxuriant fragrance is all too evident.

STRENGTH OF AROMA: Light when cold, strong at body temperature



ORIGIN: Australia

COLOUR: Sandalwood Australian Leaf is pale golden in hue

CONSISTENCY: Medium to Viscous

NOTE: Base

Sandalwood Australian Leaf Essential Oil is extracted from only the leaves of teh Australian Sandalwood which is Santalum spicatum  from plantation trees in Western Australia.

Western Australian Sandalwood is a viable, environmentally friendly tree considered to have higher anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties than its cousin and superior fragranced Indian Santalum Album species which is endangered.

Sandalwood Australian is NOT an endangered tree. This tree is parasitic, burrowing its roots into nearby trees to gain sustenance for the first seven years, leaving the other to die. To produce oil this tree must be over 30 years old, preferably around 40-50 years when it has reached its oil production peak.

This particular species is not on The CITES registered endangered species list and can be freely purchased but it is still rare-ish and expensive although cheaper than Santalum album derived oils.

Reported Attributes of Sandalwood Australian Leaf Essential Oil:-

Traditional and Emotional uses reportedly include:-

Used in Perfumery, cosmetics, and aromatherapy. Australian Leaf Sandalwood is considered to have strong anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties and is quite the best of all the Sandalwoods available for these purposes according to aromatherapists and herbalists. Sandalwood Mysore and East Indian Sandalwood are considered the best in perfumery terms. African Sandalwood has yet to achieve any status.

Sandalwood Australian Leaf Blends Well With:-

The Essential Oil blends very well with any top or middle note essential oils. Favorites include: Jasmine, Ylang Ylang, Rosewood, Patchouli, Vetiver. It is also interesting to note that blending Sandalwood Mysore or East Indian Sandalwood with Rose Absolute oil makes for a great sensual and aphrodisiac blend.


Some thirty species of sandalwood occur throughout Asia, Australia and the Pacific region. Six of the species are native to Australia. One species, Santalum spicatum, is presently being harvested in the Goldfields region of Western Australia. The high value of the wood and the oil has led to a steady decline of native sandalwood trees and increasing efforts to establish plantations.

The ‘true’ sandalwood is the wood of trees in the genus Santalum; found in southern India and Sri Lanka, Hawaii, and many south Pacific islands. It is most commonly used for incense, aromatherapy, perfume, and fine woodworking. Although not commonly used as a construction material, temples have been built with sandalwood in India and retain the aroma after centuries. It is said to have been used for embalming the corpses of princes in Ceylon since the 9th century. Jewelry boxes, fans, and ornate carvings continue to be made in many parts of Asia using sandalwood.

It is currently endangered and consequently very expensive. Although all sandalwood trees in India are government-owned and their harvest is strictly controlled, many trees are illegally cut down and smuggled out of the country by local gangs. Sandal essential oil prices have risen by up to $1500-2500 per kg per year in the last 5 years. Some countries regard the sandal oil trade as ecologically harmful because it encourages the overh arvesting of sandalwood trees. So Australian Leaf Sandalwood, being environmentally friendly is a welcome addition to the cornucopia of essential oils available.

West Indian sandalwood (Amyris balsamifera) is not a member of the sandalwood family; the chemical components of Amyris essential oil are entirely different from those of the oil obtained from plants in the Santalum genus.

Sandalwood is considered in alternative medicine to bring one closer with the divine. Sandalwood essential oil, which is very expensive in its pure form, is used primarily for Ayurvedic purposes, and treating anxiety.

In Buddhism, Sandalwoods are considered to be of the Padma (lotus) group and attributed to the Bodhisattva Amitabha. Sandalwood scent is believed to transform one’s desires and maintain a person’s alertness while in meditation.

Sandalwood, along with Agarwood, is the most popular and commonly used incense material by the Chinese and Japanese in worship and various ceremonies.

Firekeeping priests, who have maintained sacred fires for centuries, accept sandalwood twigs from Zoroastrian worshippers as their contribution for sustaining the fire.


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