Bai Mao Gen – Imperata cylindrica


Bai Mao Gen

Imperata cylindrica

Also known as Cogon grass, Kunai grass, Blady grass, Alang-alang, Lalang grass, Cotton wool grass, Kura-kura, Speargrass, Woolly grass

50 grams


The stems of Imperata cylindrica known in China as Bai Mao Gen are used in Traditional Chinese Medicine and belongs to a species of perennial grass native to tropical and subtropical Asia, Micronesia, Melanesia, Australia, Africa, and southern Europe. It grows from a rhizome technically ratther han a root

It has also been introduced to Latin America, the Caribbean, and the southeastern United States where it is considered as invasive

Also known as Cogon grass, Kunai grass, Blady grass, Alang-alang, Lalang grass, Cotton wool grass, Kura-kura, Speargrass, Woolly grass

Traditional Uses for Bai Mao Gen :-

It is high in potassium and is often used as a salt substitute for its high saline taste although this editor doesn’t find it salty at all. It is considered in CTM to be haemastatic and to stem bleeding but is also used for urinary tract infections and kidney conditions.




Weight 0.050 kg





September 2022


June 2025