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Felons Herb

Felons Herb Essential Oil – (Artemisia vulgaris)


BOTANICAL NAME: Artemisia vulgaris

SCENT: Felon’s Herb essential oil is powerful, fresh-camphoraceous, somewhat green & bittersweet.


PLANT PART USED: Leaves and Flowers

EXTRACTION METHOD: Steam Distillation.

ORIGIN: Romania

COLOUR: felon’s Herb essential oil is pale yellow in hue.


NOTE: Middle

Felons Herb is an aromatic perennial herb has red-purple stems and deeply cut, dark green leaves with white undersides. Panicles of tiny red-brown flowers appear in summer. It is a tall-growing plant, the stems, which are angular and often of a purplish hue, frequently rising 3 feet or more in height.

Traditional Uses of Felons Herb:

Antispasmodic, carminative, choleretic, diaphoretic, diuretic, emmenagogue, nervine, orexigenic, stimulant, stomachic, tonic (uterine, womb), vermifuge. It is known to be used to expel worms, control fever and as a digestive remedy.

Culinary Uses for Felons Herb:

It is an ancient herb, once considered to contain magical powers as a remedy for illness and disease. Most often used as a seasoning for wild game, meat and fish, Felon’s Herb is a narrow, leafy plant with pointed leaves that are green on one side and pale white on the other. The plant grows several feet in height with a stem that is reddish tan in color. When added to foods, Felon’s Herb provides a somewhat bitter flavor to the item being seasoned, such as meat stuffings, dumplings and similar foods. Common in Asian food dishes, Felon’s Herb is blanched or stir-fried to be added to soups, salads, and a variety of rice dishes.


Patchouli, Lavender, Oak Moss, Rosemary, Pine, Sage, Clary Sage and Cedarwood.


Also known as Armoise and St. Johns’ Plant or Mugwort. In Europe the herb has been used in association with superstition and witchcraft and was seen as a protective charm against evil and danger. In Chinese medicine the dried, compressed leaves (moxa) are used to briefly warm the skin in case of internal cold.

CAUTIONS:Use well diluted. Felon’s Herb essential oil is toxic, arbortifacient and a neurotoxin.

Weight 0 kg